Latest News & Upcoming Events
2020 Spring Gala – POSTPONED!
The Friends of Niverville's 4th Annual Spring Gala, that was scheduled for May 8th, 2020, will be postponed due to the growing concerns of the...
Fundraising Update
Construction of the new Niverville Community Resource & Recreation Centre (CRRC) is underway, and we’re happy to announce that we’re well on our...
2020 Spring Gala!
The 4th Annual Spring Gala is coming! Pull out those Masquerade masks, dust off those suits & gowns and join us for an evening of dinner and...
Santa Claus Came to Town!
On Saturday, December 7, Whitetail Meadows was transformed into a Christmas Town for families to come and celebrate the holiday season. A variety of...
Christmas Town
The Friends of Niverville are proud to present Christmas Town on Saturday, December 7 to support the future Niverville Community Resource & Recreation...
Breakfast was Served!
On a rainy Saturday October morning, a kickoff to the new fundraising campaign began with a pancake breakfast. The south end of the arena was packed...
Pancake Breakfast
On Saturday, October 5, the Friends of Niverville are holding a pancake breakfast in support of the future Niverville Community Resource & Recreation...
Seat Sponsorship
Announced at the May 10, 2019 spring gala event was the new seat sponsorship campaign...
2019 Spring Gala
On May, 10, 2019 the Niverville Heritage Centre sparkled for the kick off of the 2019 fundraising events in support of the Niverville Community...
Mayor Speech
Missed the live feed from the April 12 announcement, click the link below to read Mayor Myron Dyck's speech on the funding announcement for...
News Release
Click the document below for more information on the April 12, 2019 news release from the Provincial and Federal Governments...
CRC Donation Received
In May of 2018, the Niverville HUB International branch began collecting $25 for every insurance quote they provided, all in support of the dream of...
Open House
Join us August 1 at the South End of the Arena to learn more about where the Community Resource & Recreation Centre is in its progress...
Concentra Grant
Each year Concentra donates 2 - $25,000 and 15 - $10,000 awards to Credit Unions to support projects in their community...
Chase the Ace
Congratulations to our winner Kim Dubell for finding the Ace at the November 22 Chase the Ace event...
Despite the chilly temperatures, wind and rain on Saturday, June 24 Touch-a-Truck went off...
Auction Gala Event
The Black & Gold Community Auction & Dinner was held on Friday, May 5 and it was a success...
Black & Gold Community Auction & Dinner
With just over two months before our next big event, committees are meeting and discussing plans, ideas and excitement is building...
Thank you Niverville Skating Club!
A huge thank you to the Niverville Skating Club who hosted their first skate-a-thon on Saturday, February 4 at the Niverville Arena...
Thank you!
The turnout for "The Sky's the Limit" was great in spite of the occasional showers...
Building Canada Grant submitted
The Town of Niverville, on behalf of the Friends of Niverville, have submitted their first application to both the Federal and Provincial governments...
By-law Passed
The second and third reading of the borrowing by-law was done on September 6 and now has officially passed...
Public Hearing news
A Public Hearing about the proposed borrowing by-law for the Town commitment of $5 million was held...
Council approves Option 2
In a Town Council meeting held June 15, 2016, council members approved option 2 of Stantec's proposed concepts for the Friends of Niverville...
Stantec Feasibility Report
Based on the initial conceptual design and capital budget done by the Friends of Niverville and their partners, the Town determined the need to...
Recreational Facilities Master Plan Announcement
Following months of consultation and an independent research survey, a group of volunteers known as the ‘Friends of Niverville’...
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